About SunRain

Market Solutions

We understand what the ultimate consumer is looking for in appearance, color, skin, taste and nutrition.

Grower Solutions

We focus on high marketable yields, high recovery, storability, low inputs, and disease resistance to maximize your returns.

Seed Solutions

Our seed production is a closed loop system that ensures the highest quality, disease free, seed in the market.

Sales & Logistics

Tawny Elliott
Head of Business
Jake Mecham
Sales Manager
Rainey Carraballo
Customer Relations & Logistics


Kelly Stoddard
VP of Operations
Colton Thurgood
Product Development Manager
Hayden Johnson
Fahrettin Goktepe
Research and Development Director
Josh Cook
Technical Director
Aida Wilkins
Breeding Activities Manager
Quinn Conley
Laboratory Manager


Shaun Mulberry

Our Process

The SunRain seed production system starts with our leading edge tissue culture facility in Idaho Falls. Here we ensure we start with disease free tissue culture and employ the highest standards of hygiene to ensure the plantlet production process remains disease free.

We plant in our own greenhouses in order to further ensure a disease free environment for our minituber production. Our tubers are grown to ensure vigor and disease free production at the next stage of production. 

Seed is then grown on our farm or with our geographically based partners to exacting disease free standards and sized to our customers needs.